Memes Bundle 1Lakh | 10k+ Video Memes Bundle FREE – HostAny

Original price was: ₹5,999.00.Current price is: ₹349.00.

Memes Bundle 1Lakh | 10k+ Video Memes Bundle FREE

While social media is a platform for communication, memes are a way of expressing a culturally-relevant idea. A meme is an image or video that represents the thoughts and feelings of a specific audience. Most memes are captioned photos intended to elicit humor.

Buy 1Lakh Memes Bundle and get  10k+ Video Memes FREE

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Original price was: ₹5,999.00.Current price is: ₹349.00.

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While social media is a platform for communication, memes are a way of expressing a culturally-relevant idea. A meme is an image or video that represents the thoughts and feelings of a specific audience. Most memes are captioned photos intended to elicit humor.

“Come up with your meme idea. Usually, when you go to make a meme, you’ll have an idea in mind”

Who uses memes?
Over 60% of people say they would buy from a company that uses memes, and the click-through rate is 14% higher than email marketing. Additionally, 75% of social media users aged 13 to 36 years old share memes, and 55% of this age group sends them every week – with 30% sharing them daily.

Why are memes powerful?
Memes offer a unique form of expression to capture complex ideas, political messages, social critiques and cultural observations in an accessible and shareable manner. They echo collective experiences, concerns and values, and become increasingly influential during significant events or elections.

